Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay On Mending Wall - 1491 Words
Jessica Bostick Dr. Aiken English 122-Research Paper 13 June 2017 Mending Wall Draft The fundamental topic in Robert Frost s poem Mending Wall is an examination between two ways of life: customs and a sound judgment. The creator gives us a photo, representing two neighbors, two unmistakable characters with various thoughts regarding what decisively intends to be a decent neighbor. So they manufacture and repair the divider between them each spring after devastations, made by nature and seekers. They do it without fail, again and again, so the speaker puts the inquiry on the off chance that they require this divider by any means. Ice is drawing propensity and conventions on one side and rationales and thinking on another. The speaker†¦show more content†¦All neighbors work that they do each time, helps us to remember Sisyphean assignment, who needed to push a rock up the mountain and before achieving the extremely top of it, the huge stone would move down, and Sisyphus needed to begin once again. We obviously observe nearly a similar circumstance in the lyri c: the divider, which isolates two neighbors, make them meet every year for retouching it after decimations, and they both make an awesome showing with regards to in repairing it. What appears to be exceptionally fascinating and unpretentious to the perusers is that a similar divider that isolates the neighbors joins them in a similar time. Lyric Mending Wall does not have a rhyme and written in clear verse and has no stanzas, despite the fact that it has an extremely intriguing structure. These creator will likely give this lyric a conversational frame, making it sound as common discourse. He is not utilizing any favor words here. Ice makes it deliberately, giving this sonnet a look of an extremely normal story, so every peruser may allude it to his own particular life circumstance. Retouching the Wall has forty five lines of first-individual account. Lyric is composed in a predictable rhyming structure and, generally, there are ten syllables for each line, yet we additionally woul d find be able to lines with eleven syllables. There are ten of such lines in this ballad. Despite the fact that it has no rhyme, the peruser would notice be able to thatShow MoreRelated An Analysis of Mending Wall Essay2101 Words  | 9 PagesAn Analysis of Mending Wall Robert Frost once said that Mending Wall was a poem that was spoiled by being applied. What did he mean by applied? Any poem is damaged by being misunderstood, but thats the risk all poems run. What Frost objects to, I think, is a reduction and distortion of the poem through practical use. When President John F. Kennedy inspected the Berlin Wall he quoted the poems first line: Something there is that doesnt love a wall. His audience knew what he meant andRead MoreEssay on Mending Wall2143 Words  | 9 PagesMending Wall by Robert Frost is a poem in which the characteristics of vocabulary, rhythm and other aspects of poetic technique combine in a fashion that articulates, in detail, the experience and the opposing convictions that the poem describes and discusses. The ordinariness of the rural activity is presented in specific description, and as so often is found in Frosts poems, the unprepossessing undertaking has much larger implications. Yet his consideration of these does no t disturb the qualitiesRead More Mending Wall Essay726 Words  | 3 Pages In â€Å"Mending Wall†, Robert Frost made us aware that something doesn’t love the wall in the beginning of the poem, the wall that symbolizes boundary and obstacle between people. Although this restrictive wall gives protection and a feeling of safety for the people who are inside it, it also creates a huge barrier to the people who are on the outside. The only difference between a physical wall and an imaginary barrier is that a physical wall will eventually fall apart as time goes by, but the emotionalRead More the mending wall Essay557 Words  | 3 Pages ANALYSIS #2: THE MENDING WALL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the poem, â€Å"The Mending Wall†Frost creates a lot of ambiguity in order to leave the poem open for interpretation. Frost’s description of every detail in this poem is very interesting, it leaves the reader to decide for themselves what deductions they are to be making of the poem. To begin with, Frost makes literal implications about what the two men are doing. For instance, they are physically putting theRead MoreEssay Mending Wall1273 Words  | 6 Pages What is so important about mending a wall? Robert frost a down to earth, phenomenon has used his supernatural skills to write a poem which may seem to be a simple, ordinary poem, yet what lays hidden behind the veils may be unraveled. That is the spiritual world that you and me may learn to understand the philosophical basis of human nature that provokes the human revolution. Believe it or not this poem was ingeniously devised by Robert Frost to articulately open up a world of ideas that acumenRead MoreFrosts Mending Wall Essay960 Words  | 4 PagesRobert Frosts Mending Wall represents two opposing ideas through its dialogue between two neighbors. The narrator represents a newer way of thinking while his neighbor embodies an older mindset. In the poem the two neighbors are repairing a wall or fence that separates their property line. Although neither of the two men has anything that could cross the fence, the young man has apple trees and the old farmer has pines. The wall has been broken down by the winter that sends the frozen ground swellRead MoreAnalysis of Frosts Mending Wall Essay704 Words  | 3 Pagesdamage of the wall. When he refers to something there â€Å"that doesn’t love a wall,†he is referring to a tree, which by nature is consistently causing damage to the wall. As the roots of the tree grow, it causes the frozen ground beneath the wall to swell, and â€Å"spills the upper boulders in the sun.â₠¬ Clearly this tree has a problem with the wall, and yet the speaker and his neighbor continue to fix it every year. The speaker and the neighbor have two very different opinions about the wall. The speakerRead MorePoetry Analysis: Mending Wall Essay470 Words  | 2 Pagesâ€Å"Mending Wall†by Robert Frost, the fifty-six line lyric poem gives off a sarcastic tone that expresses impatience with his neighbor and the â€Å"wall.†The poem focuses on a theme of separation, the necessity of boundaries and the illusory arguments used to annihilate them. Frost uses the phrase â€Å"Mending Wall†to show that the relationship between the narrator and the neighbor is not being repaired. The poem focuses on two men who meet amongst a wall to stroll and make repairs. The narrator feelsRead MoreThe Mending Wall by Robert Frost Essay1226 Words  | 5 PagesThe Mending Wall by Robert Frost Robert Frost was not just a writer. Frost was, more importantly, an American writer whose works epitomized the Modernist literary movement, and in turn represented the mood and minds of a nation. Frost remains emblematic of a specific time in our country. Through the words of the poet, readers of his day could see a real-time reflection of themselves - visible in Frosts verses were the hopes and apprehensions that marked the first half of the twentieth- Read MoreEssay on Robert Frost Mending Wall1077 Words  | 5 PagesIt is no secret how Robert Frost feels about walls after reading his poem â€Å"Mending Wall†. To say that Frost admired and favored walls would be a lie. On the contrary, based on his poem it is apparent that he would prefer there be no walls present. I was led to ask myself, what type of wall is Frost referring to? It is not merely a physical wall made of stone, but a barrier that people place among each other to create an illusion of separation and protection. The style of the poem makes it simple
Monday, December 23, 2019
Anti-Semitism and Racism in the Merchant of Venice
Anti-Semitism and racism in The Merchant Of Venice. Anti-Semitism and the desecration of the Jewish population have been in existence for nearly five thousand years. In William Shakespeares â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†, we find that one of the characters is the subject and expression of anti-Semitic attitude that is persistent in Elizabethan society. William Shakespeares â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†contains many examples that insult Jewish heritage because they were the minority in London in Shakespearean time. Although many parts of the play could be interpreted as offensive in modern times, Elizabethan audiences found them comical. The majority of Londons population at the time was anti-Semitic because there were very few Jews living†¦show more content†¦Fed with The same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject To the same diseases, healed by the same means, Warmed and cooled by the same winter and Summer, as a Christian?†. Shakespeare has created a character that the audiences feelings will change for by the minute. When the play was written the audience would have immediately disliked Shylock on the basis of his religion and occupation, however nowadays when religious prejudice is not nearly as strong we still find him an unpleasant character. One of the main things which makes him seem unpleasant is his greed and love of money. His first words are actually, Three thousand ducats; well. Later on in the first scene, when Antonio enters to talk to Shylock about lending Bassanio money, Shylock says to himself; I hate him for he is a Christian; But more for that in low simplicity He lends out money gratis, and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice This shows that Shylock puts his money before his religion. He says he hates Antonio because he is a Christian (and so an immediate enemy of the devout Jew) but more than that he hates him because he lends out money for no fee and so takes business away from Shylock. Antonio has detested and despised this Jew, even humiliating him publicly because of his money lending and being Jewish. Shylock believes that his profiteering is not a sin, which is contrary to the Christian belief, held by Antonio,Show MoreRelatedPrejudice, Racism and Anti-Semitism in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice2810 Words  | 12 PagesPrejudice, Racism and Anti-Semitism in William Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice Throughout William Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice, there is a strong theme of prejudice. Portia has to deal with prejudice against her sex, the Prince of Morocco has to deal with prejudice against his race but the character that is most discriminated against is Shylock. He is hated for being a Jew and a money-lender, but Shakespeare has not made Shylock a character easy to sympathise withRead MoreThe Merchant Of Venice By William Shakespeare2046 Words  | 9 PagesEssay Abbesath.K Throughout the education system, there seems to be an unofficial consensus that pieces of literature that are deemed â€Å"controversial†should not be taught in school. The Merchant of Venice falls into this category due to the Anti-Semitism which exists within the play making it â€Å"controversial†therefore, banned. On the contrary, this play should not be considered controversial and it should not be banned due to the learning experiences and knowledge that can be gained by readingRead MoreRacial and Cultural Prejudice Essay766 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many themes woven into the play The Merchant of Venice, Prejudice being the most evident. This prejudice is mainly racial (against race) or cultural (against lifestyle, i.e. religion, culture†¦) and is one of the leading causes of conflict in the play. Prejudice towards Jews, prejudice towards Christians, and prejudice towards people of different colour and prejudice of others with different nationalities , are all present in the play. (transition) Here come another of the tribe: a thirdRead MoreRacism And Prejudice By William Shakespeare s The Merchant Of Venice Essay1699 Words  | 7 Pagesand left out because of their religion and what they believe in, however there is racism and prejudice present in the world. William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is one of his most controversial plays. Written in the 16th century England, the play poses many questions concerning racial, religious and human differences due to anti-semitism being very common at the time. The story is set in Venice where a merchant named Antonio lived. His poor friend Bassanio wants to charm and marry a lovelyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Merchant Of Venice 1918 Words  | 8 PagesPerformance Analysis of T he Merchant of Venice Jordan Thomas Mullineaux-Davis William Shakespeare has regularly throughout time been referred to and could be viewed as anti-Semitic because of the cultural implications within many of his plays. A particularly strong example of this could be The Merchant of Venice. This essay will explore arguments of post-colonialism within The Merchant of Venice, discussing the pertinent issues of anti-semitism, racial isolation and prejudice. It will also commentRead MoreDifferent Forms of Prejudice Present in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare1159 Words  | 5 PagesDifferent Forms of Prejudice Present in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Different types of people, affected by their own views can define prejudice in many different ways. The Collins Concise Dictionary definition of prejudice is an opinion formed beforehand, especially an unfavourable one based on inadequate facts. Another definition is intolerance of or dislike for people of a specific race, religion, etc. From this, it is obvious that prejudice, althoughRead MoreIs Shylock The Villain Or Victim In The Merchant Of Venice By William Shakespeare1411 Words  | 6 PagesCharacter Analysis Shylock Is Shylock the villain or the victim in the Merchant of Venice? In the play the ‘Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare the antagonist Shylock is both the victim and the villain. Shylock is a Jewish moneylender and is initially portrayed as anger filled and bloodthirsty but as the play continues we begin to see him as more human and his emotions become more evident. As the antagonist, Shylock is a fearful adversary to Antonio, the protagonist. But as good begins toRead MoreThe Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Essay1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock as rapacious and cruel is in the traditional style of an Elizabethan villain. A modern audience could argue that he has also humanised Shylock, and therefore gained some sympathy for his actions. From your reading of the â€Å"Merchant of Venice†examine these diverse reactions to the complex characterisation of Shylock. Shakespeare’s portrayal of Shylock is unconditionally evil, and a Read MoreEssay on Shylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice1877 Words  | 8 PagesShylock in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice, a tragic- comedy written in the late 16th century by the greatest known English author, William Shakespeare. This is a tale set in the heart of Venice, amongst the Venetian Christians and Jews. The history of the Jews is marked by terrible hardship and atrocities; Jewish people kept up their customs and religion formed tight knit communities and became known for their intelligent hard workRead MoreMerchant of Venice - Modern Humanitarianism1274 Words  | 6 PagescenterbModern Humanitarianism has run riot on Shylock. Discuss./b/center br brThe Merchant of Venice is concerned with two issues that were of importance in the Elizabethan Age: Jewry and Usury. It is generally assumed that the Elizabethan attitude to Jewry was hostile and that the execution of Roderigo Lopez in 1594 was characteristic of the Christian rejection of all ‘Jews, Turks, Infidels and Heretics, who were considered to be misbelievers. But this could also be a false assumption
Sunday, December 15, 2019
China Reflection Paper Free Essays
string(36) " this is a common thing over there\." We traveled by plane, boat, subway, car, bus, and even a let train. The first day was a long day of travel and we landed In Belong around pm. This was my first time ever being do far from and It was an exciting feeling. We will write a custom essay sample on China Reflection Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our group was all pretty new with each other, but right away we clicked and started making friendships. After we checked into our hotel we went on our first walk. It was a lot different then and any city I have been and I was excited right away. We had a beer while walking down the street (who knew you could do that) and smoked a cigarette with the group. At this point In time I knew nothing about the people and how they loud treat us, but after buying a beer and one walking up to me right away with a bottle opener after seeing me struggling I knew it was going to be a great trip. Not because of the beer although everyone loves beer, but because of how nice everyone was to us that first three hours we were in Beijing. The first couple days were definitely a culture shock. Everything was new! Our tour guide was a little hard to understand and it was a lot hotter than expected. On the first full day I was glad I brought a camera with. We went to the heart of Beijing. The Forbidden City. Attainment square, A bike ride through the oldest part of Belling, a Tea ceremony and to top it off we all got foot massages. This one day set the pace for the whole trip and I think got us all over our culture. I wish however that this day would been a little later in the trip so I could of really understood what was going on the whole time. Lisa was easy to understand after the first day and even started cracking a few jokes. Belong was amazing and my most memorable part was the Great Wall of China. The wall was huge to say the least. It took over 1 million people to build. It hard to explain its size without posting pictures. As soon we approached it and got in it I immediately respected the people who built it. Yeah it’s a huge wall. A lot of people don’t understand that the wall is built on top of basically a mountain ridge. It is only oft high, but If a person falls of they are rolling down the mountain side. Also a lot of people Including myself thought It was flat on top almost like a road. I never knew It was more Like a broken escalator. Once we walked and crawled to the end we were daring enough to explore past the part of the wall that still being kept up and tapped foot on the original wall. In my opinion this was the best part it showed the age and strength of it and how it lasted so many years. I never knew the wall was actually a bad thing for the Chinese. It separated China from the rest of the world and they used all of their recourses building It. I think they could of thought of a better way to keep to Mongolia’s out with 1,000,000 people. All the wonders of tea and the health benefits certain teas give you. The ceremony is hard to explain, I could repeat it for you some time with my authentic teapot. I liked owe she explained each kind of tea individually and what temperatures they should be served at. I guess I’m not supposed to put green tea in boiling water†¦ Oops. Another one of the cool things we did in Beijing that I don’t think I will ever see again is go to the Pearl Market. This wasn’t Just any market the market was strictly for knock-off or look alike items. This market really put my bargaining skills to the test. The market was 4 floors of vendors each floor was as big as the Kirby Lounge. They had everything from pearls to statues. Every vendor started at a price and through his market Ryan and I really honed our bargaining skills. Some of the things we did we questionable, but effective. First things first you have to walk away at least twice. And keep walking the first time. They are really persuasive. They all think that we are â€Å"dumb†Americans and don’t really know what the price should be. So Just keep saying a lower price and stand firm on the price. They always can go lower. Sometimes it takes a good 15 minute argument, but it’s satisfying knowing you paid the lowest price possible. Another trick we did which kind of upset a few people was elk to multiple venders. Play the â€Å"Over there well she said this price†game. Those weren’t the only awesome things we did in Beijing, but if I talked about them it all it would literally take me three days. After Beijing we went to Tannin. Tannin was amazing. We spent 2 weeks there studying business and visiting businesses. I learned a lot about the Chinese culture in those two weeks from the tours, classes and the people we met. Instead of talking about the businesses and classes I would rather talk about the friends I made there. I learned a lot from them and they are the most memorable part. ICC, Iris, Tony, Niles, Jon, Jason, Lisa, and even Terry the club owner were all great people. Miss ICC was great she was out going and bubbly and really help us break the ice with the other Chinese students when we were together. She taught us all about the dating life. She was interested in older men because they were more mature and set in life. I feel like this is a common thing over there. You read "China Reflection Paper" in category "Papers" She also talked about how marriage is not considered complete until the guy has a house and a car. Iris was very interesting. Her friends called her Superwoman on the account f that she was great at sports. She even took the time to teach Ryan and I few things about tennis. I don’t think there is any hope for me in that sport. Tony was an interesting little guy. He taught us about how is China it is really is frowned upon to fail. That is why there aren’t a lot of entrepreneurs there. He also helped me order a few times. He was interested in our gun laws compared to his. I never noticed that it was illegal over there to own a firearm. I Just thought of it as a nonchalant thing. He was very intrigued when I was telling him about hunting and the rights we have as Americans. Niles was awesome we got along very well. I don’t think you ever met him Dry. L’, but he was a world traveler from Germany. He wrestled in Minnesota during high school, went to college in France, studied abroad to China where I met him, on his way to south Asia for a month and then to South Africa for his last semester. He taught me a lot about how to communicate effectively with the Chinese. He had decent mandarin, effectively and how to be really respectful to the Chinese. He kind of inspired me to travel a lot more. Life’s too short not to travel the world. Little Jon and Lisa were awesome too. They showed us everything and brought us everywhere. They were basically our guides around Tannin. They taught me about how the schooling and grades were actually set up. They explained that it is really hard to get into college, but once you’re there it is basically a pass/fail. They took the time to show us around during their finals week which they would have otherwise spent studying. They broke the stereotype that all Chinese students do is spend their time in the library studying and never have any fun.. They even came out with us a few times and let loose, which was awesome to see. Jason did a good Job showing us around the city and explaining things. He let us have enough room to branch out on our own and explore stuff on our own which I think was the best part. It was cool meeting him and his family. I still remember his contagious laugh after he would crack a Joke. Terry the manager of the club still Heehaws me very once in a while Just to see how America is and how life is. He actually seems like a pretty nice person. After we left Tannin it was a sad goodbye, but it was exciting to start traveling again 2 weeks was plenty enough time to spend in the city of Tannin. The next city we went to was Wax. We met our new tour guide there named Joe. He went to school for Tourism and English and was originally from Wax. In Wax we visited the Tiger Hill pagoda which was one of the most beautiful places we had visited in my opinion and a Tea pot museum. The pagoda stood 7 stories tall and was built to honor and emperor. The emperor was said to have been buried with 7,000 swords. Wax stands for no more Iron. Wax used to be full of iron and was fought over because of it. It used to be a battle ground because of this precious metal, but once it was gone the city was named Wax Just to make sure no one would come back. It’s hard to explain the beauty of all these laces. I guess that’s why I took almost 1,000 pictures. The Tea Pot Museum was amazing. I love interesting facts and learning about random things like the teapot. The tea pots in it represented Chinese culture and history. People dedicated their lives to the art of Tea Pot making and we learned about the process of how the pots were made, History of the material, what makes a good quality Pot, and how they should be properly used. I had to buy one. I bought the 2nd lowest grade of pot, but it is the most traditional. It doesn’t drip and can be perfectly balanced in water. After Wax we went to Ouzos then Hangout. One was known for its green tea and the other for silk. I had to buy some of both. They made great gifts for my girlfriend.. I could go on and on about the shows, tours and places we went, but I would be writing for over a month. I will have to end my reflection by talking about the food. The food was amazing I had the expectation that I would like it, I never thought I would miss it. In fact I’m pretty sure I gained a few pounds over there from it. Lets start with the breakfast. The breakfasts we had we usually at the hotel, which in America means a few bagels and cold cereal. In China is was pretty awesome most places we went had everything a person could think of and more. One place even had sushi. The breakfasts were pretty Americanizes in my opinion. They had the standard Chinese food a person could get here. The best lunch I had was at the dumpling place you brought us to. That place was amazing I wish Duluth had a place cooked. The dinners were interesting as well. They were all family style around a round table Which I am not used to. Also a big difference is the size of plate a person gets. The Pates in China Are comparable too Tea cup plate. How to cite China Reflection Paper, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Foundation of Information Systems
Question: Discuss about the Foundation of Information Systems. Answer: Introduction United States Pharma Corp., a New Jersey based pharmaceutical company that has research sites situated across various locations of the world. The organization is not only associated with the development and production of new medicinal drugs, but owns units that are associated with the production and sales of the so called generic drugs. The CIO of the organization is aimed at the development of a web portal for their employees, which would allow them to access the information required for conducting the research work with much ease. The primary objective of this research work is to provide an insight in to the proposed web portal: the design specifications of the portal would be discussed along with the importance of including business intelligence functionalities in the said portal. Discussions would be made on the role of the web portal in strengthening stakeholder relationship, besides highlighting the strategies could be used for the development and acquisition of the said portal. Last but not the least, the various strategies used for securing the web portal resources would be discussed in brief. The design specifications of the corporate knowledge Web portal Figure 1: Snapshot of the portal The corporate knowledge Web Portal 280 has the several design specifications such as the customer portal where the customers can make their necessary transactions whenever required. The portal is been personalized on the basis of user and role. The portal also has several components along with templates that are associated with the User Interface (Scharl et al., 2014). The services that are been provided are with transaction and contents. The portal has two servers for its execution of operations that includes SQL and Biztalk server. The applications which are external are the payment systems along with workflow engines that are been integrated externally (Zhang, Tian Miles, 2014). The admin section of the portal consists security of user, portal admin, user admin, content admin and the security that are based on role. The entire system has been developed in such way that it can be very much iterative and flexible to the user. The Accounts and Quality Management are the integral part of the architecture where the main functionalities include planning and envisioning, prototype and architecture, development of release along with the deployment (Tanrikulu, 2015). The overall design of the portal has aimed for managing the processes such as change, risk and project management. The portal has been developed on identification of the need of content and service along with quantification of the business values and defining architecture of high level. It also includes release planning and signing off of the customer (Propst et al., 2013). Overall, the portal is the building of common templates and services along with evolving of the architecture. The portal also makes the migration of the content along with supporting the customer in post-production level. Significance of the business intelligence in the proposed Web portal As the portal is prepared for processing of customer queries, the concept of business intelligence has been applied here in detailed manner. The concept has been implemented in such way it can provide the information as per the requirement of customer in detailed report format. The business intelligence makes the web portal to be more flexible so that it can provide the customers the integrated information that they require during urgency (Guerra-Garcia, Caballero Piattini, 2013). The importance of business intelligence is very much high as the user whenever makes the query for their research work, they can have the information in hand. The architecture used in this portal has the capability for providing the information that is too the point for the user. Like online analytical processing tools, Business Intelligence is an integrated theme in the portal where various types of reports are generated as per the user needs. Therefore, the web portal will be an utmost solution for the u ser who want to get information in proper structure. Role of the Web portal in developing strong stakeholder relationship It is a well-known fact that the access to valid data sets and conducting clinical test is essential for any pharmaceutical organization aimed at developing new drugs and obtaining FDA approvals for the same (Felix et al., 2014). Thus, researches associated with United States Pharma Corp would require to share their research data with several user groups, both inside and outside to the company. These user groups have been highlighted in the following stakeholder matrix, such that the role of the dashboard in serving them can be identified: Sl. No Stakeholder Role and responsibility in research work Role of web portal 1 The employees of United States Pharma Corp ( the researchers) The employees of United States Pharma Corp are actually be associated with the research work (Buchanan, 2014). The web portal being proposed would help in the researchers in gaining access to all the information required for conducting their studies. 2 The medical personnel Associated with the research process, along with the testing of the newly developed drugs. The clinical tests conducted with the aim of obtaining the FDA approvals. The medical personnel in consideration would be capable of accessing information from the FDA database, along with the information provided in other professional forums: such information would indeed facilitate their research work. 3 Researchers external to United States Pharma Corp (Kontogianni, Papageorgiou Tourkolias 2012). The research works conducted by the in-house researchers of the organization receive significant assistance from several experts conducting individual or independent research studies. Web based access to research materials facilitates the collaboration work. 4 The sponsors Responsible for funding the research works being conducted (Gilson et al. 2012). The web portal allows the sponsors to gain an insight into the progress made in the various research projects: this in turn encourages the generation of funds required for supporting the research works. Appropriate strategies for the development and acquisition of the Web Portal The strategies that are been developed for acquisition of the web portal include the strategies which make the portal an integrated web based software. The strategies will be developed in such manner that it will have a continuous system of data flow that will meet the user needs whenever it is required (Li et al., 2013). The developers should make such strategies which will make the portal to be of a good architecture along with a developed framework. The method of acquisition will develop the portal in such way that it will have a reflection of flexibility in terms of user satisfaction. A proper evaluation of the entire web portal should be done starting from testing the software functionalities along with the evaluation by the customers in nitty gritty (Almeida, Santos Monteiro, 2014). In the initial level of design, the customers should check the built prototype in detailed manner so that a proper modification of the portal should be made to make the entire web based package an optimal solution to its end users. Thus, through proper strategy, development, the customer will get a solution meeting their requirement. Appropriate strategies for securing the resources of the web portal The following technique need to be utilized for securing the resources of the web portal: Incorporation of technological tools: The incorporation of safety strategies like the following would be helpful in securing the resources of the proposed web portal: Limiting the number of inbound ports would definitely help in reducing the number of security risks to the portal: however, each ingress port should essentially be protected by firewalls. Filter should be used for protecting the outbound ports. Regular patch ups must be conducted so as maintain the portal server in an updated mode (Christopher, Payne Ballantyne, 2013). Hash or encrypted account passwords should be utilized for securing the portal. Role based security systems should be utilized to enhance the security of the proposed portals. User training: The web portal users (both internal and external to the United States Pharma Corp) should be provide with the basic training required for the safe and secured utilization of the proposed web portals. Disaster recovery: It is a well-known fact that there does not exist any such technological tool that can guarantee the security of any computer network (Paiola, Bolisani Scarso, 2013). Thus, the higher management of the United States Pharma Corps should essentially invest in the development of disaster recovery plans. The utilization of such plans would essentially speed up the process of recovering from any disaster that may so happen. It is needless to say that the said disaster recovery plan should be shared with all the users, such that immediate action can be taken in case of any security breach or disaster of any other type. Risk management: Researchers (Coombs Holladays, 2013)) are of the opinion that a large number of security risks are associated with the utilization of web portals and the identification of such factors is necessary for managing them. Thus, the higher management of United States Pharma Corps are being recommend to conduct the following steps for managing the risks associated with portal being designed: The identification of the risks associated with the web portal. The maintenance of a risk log that would facilitate the process of maintaining data records. The development of the plans required for mitigating the risks (in case they occur in practice). Deciding on the roles and responsibilities to be played by the stakeholders in mitigating the risk situations, besides sharing the same with the stakeholders in consideration. Conclusion The portal that has been developed has the aim to serve the purpose of its users in terms of providing their required information. The portal actually acts as a gateway in terms of providing information to them. The entire web based package has been developed to give a feasible solution to their users who will get a detailed information with proper presentation whenever needed. To build such web portal, the developers also require to follow the proper life cycle of software development that all the functionalities can be implemented as per the requirements of the customer in various dimensions. The portal thus developed will serve the purpose in multiple ways starting from transactional activities to information processing. Thus it will bridge the gap between the users and the vast repository of information which is been highly in need. Therefore, the portal should be launched in a way where it can cater the most attract of its target audience and can build a popularity among its end users. Such procedures if followed properly will lead the portal to be the ultimate point of solution in future. References Almeida, F., Santos, J. D., Monteiro, J. A. (2014). E-commerce business models in the context of web3. 0 paradigm.arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.6102. Christopher, M., Payne, A., Ballantyne, D. (2013).Relationship marketing. Taylor Francis. Coombs, W. T., Holladay, S. J. (2013).It's not just PR: Public relations in society. John Wiley Sons. Flix, C., Soares, C., Jorge, A., Vinagre, J. (2014). Monitoring recommender systems: A business intelligence approach. InComputational Science and Its ApplicationsICCSA 2014(pp. 277-288). Springer International Publishing. Guerra-Garca, C., Caballero, I., Piattini, M. 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