Monday, August 24, 2020
When Is the Next SAT Test Date
When Is the Next SAT Test Date SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Here's a guide on when the following SATtest is going on and cutoff times for joining. As of now, the following SATtest date is October 1, 2016. In case you're preparing for the test, expand your score withour top 5 SATprep methodologies. Thenext SATregistration cutoff time is September 2, 2016. The late cutoff time, with additional charges, is September20, 2016. Ensure you realize how to pursue the SAT and the amount it costs. Scores for the following SATtest will be discharged October 20,2016. Do you know what a decent SAT score is? Ensure you realize how high you truly need to score. For school applications, it's essential to get an incredible SAT score. Here are our best SAT procedure advisers for get you on target to improving your SAT score. Instructions to get an ideal SAT score, by a 2400 scorer Impeccable score guides for SAT Reading, SAT Math, and SAT Writing Become familiar with our total arrangement of SAT language structure rules Ensure you realize the most ideal approach to examine SAT Vocab Need to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the business' driving SAT prep program. Worked by Harvard graduates and SAT full scorers, the program learns your qualities and shortcomings through cutting edge measurements, at that point tweaks your prep program to you so you get the best prep conceivable. Look at our 5-day free preliminary today:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dont Waste Decimate
Dont Waste Decimate Don’t Waste â€Å"Decimate†Don’t Waste â€Å"Decimate†By Maeve Maddox An individual from the DWT Forum pointed out my a weird utilization of the action word â€Å"decimate†: . . . today I went over a . . . use that was different to me: A savant said that Obamas inability to get his social insurance charge passed would have prompted the demolition of his administration. Pulverize gets from decem, the Latin word for â€Å"ten.†It began in a Roman military practice. To implement discipline in the positions, Roman officials managed a break of obligation by one legionary by rebuffing the soldier’s whole organization. The men would be amassed and advised to tally. Each tenth man was slaughtered. The organization had been pulverized. It would be strange in the 21st century to demand utilizing obliterate just with its unique importance. Be that as it may, it makes sense to keep the word to the feeling of killing piece of a gathering. H.W. Fowler expressed that the importance of wreck â€Å"is normally reached out to the obliteration in any capacity of an enormous extent of anything figured by number, for example a populace is devastated by the plague. I expect that Fowler would group â€Å"decimate his presidency†as a Slipshod Extension. Here are some progressively flawed utilizations from the web: Unalterable mix-ups can devastate an acquired IRA I trust, no I implore that I am off-base, yet today around evening time, that magnificent bold motivating Presidential competitor will politically annihilate his administration and inheritance. Bushs star-tinged vision wrecked by his own spending plan What's more, tragically, even with his takeoff, there remains [sic] awfully many, who upheld his endeavors to crush our majority rule government and postpone endeavors to stop the individuals who destroy to the world’s atmosphere. Here, likewise from the web, are some suitable employments of obliterate: We need to settle on choices and manage the economy. We’re not going to cut, cut, cut,†he said. â€Å"Because we can't bear to wreck programs no matter how you look at it. The decision Zanu PF party proceeds with an undercover arrangement, incubated by the Joint Operations Command (JOC) not long after the March races, to totally crush the MDC structures in spite of winning the June presidential survey run-off, the resistance has said. A worldwide temperature alteration Will Decimate Arctic Peoples Destroy is a helpful word. Its unpredictable utilization to mean only â€Å"destroy,†works on the extraordinary feeling of disposing of an enormous extent of a gathering of individuals or things. Recommended choices: the ruination of his administration errors can drain/destroy/annihilate an acquired IRA politically annihilate his administration and inheritance. vision broke by his own spending plan who upheld his endeavors to annihilate/kill our popular government Cautious authors will weigh what they mean by destroy before tossing it into a sentence since it sounds popular. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Misused Words classification, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:What is the Difference Between These and Those?The Difference Between will and shallA Confirmation isn't a Degree
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Need to Pay for Auto Repairs But Youre Short on Extra Cash Consider All Your Options
Need to Pay for Auto Repairs But Youre Short on Extra Cash Consider All Your Options Need to Pay for Auto Repairs But Youre Short on Extra Cash? Consider All Your Options Need to Pay for Auto Repairs But Youre Short on Extra Cash? Consider All Your OptionsIf you have bad credit and meager savings, you might think that a predatory no credit check loan is the only way youll get back on the road. Its not.Winter isnt coming. Its here. And much like how the good people of Westeros now have to deal with ice zombies, dragons, and zombie ice dragons, winter arriving can make taking care of your vehicle even more challenging. Ice zombies might not be a big problem for you, but icy roads sure can be.Unless youre well-versed in auto-mechanics, your car breaking down is going to mean paying someone else to repair it. That can get pricey, and fast.Auto repairs are expensive, but people need their cars.For most people, reliable access to transportation is essential for maintaining a job. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, about 85.4 percent of workers commute to work in an automobile. And while the rate is lower in major cities due to more options for getting around, 45 percent of Americans still don’t have access to public transportation.If your car breaks down, the financial burden is twofold. Repairs can be costly, and 40 percent of Americans don’t have $400 saved to cover an emergency expense. Plus, if you can’t access your vehicle to get to work, you’ll miss out on that needed income as well.Enter predatory payday loans.It’s common for people who have bad credit are short on extra cash to turn to payday loans to cover auto repairs. These short-term, small-dollar loans are quick and easy to obtain, but they carry high interest rates and fees that most borrowers can’t afford, according to research from Pew Charitable Trusts.With payday loans, you typically dont have to undergo a credit check when you apply for one. This might seem like a great boon for folks whose poor credit scores have locked them out from traditional lending institutions. And it really can be, depending on the lenderThe problem with many payday lenders isnt that they skip traditional credit checks. Its that they dont perform any due diligence on their customers and whether or not they can afford the loan theyre borrowing.When your lender doesnt care whether or not you can repay your loan, its all too easy to fall into a predatory cycle of debt. The same doesnt just apply to payday loans, but to any bad credit loan offered by a lender who doesnt check your ability to repay.If you need your car repaired but are strapped for cash, consider all other options before taking out a risky no credit check loan or cash advance. Here are some of the ways you can get back on the road without sending your finances into a tailspin.Apply for government assistance.The Department of Health Human Services in each state offers assistance to low-income families for a variety of needs. Only a few states provide car repair assistance, but other programs can help defray costs that will help you save more of your income for an emergency.Check your eligibility for healthcare assistance, food assistance, and housing assistance at your local office or state’s website.Ask family or friends for help.It can be difficult to ask for help, but getting financial assistance from a friend or family member will likely be the quickest option that’s feasible for you to pay back. Explain your situation and why you need the money.If you ask respectfully and demonstrate a repayment plan, you might be surprised to find people willing to assist you, especially in the case of an emergency.Contact a charitable organization.There are many local and national nonprofit organizations that assist low-income families with low-interest loans and grants for a car purchase or repair, and some that even donate free cars. The following resources may help:Free Charity CarsCars 4 ChristmasGood News GarageWorking Cars for Working FamiliesTake out a lower-cost loan.If you can’t get a low-cost personal loan or charitable grant, consider other options that are less costly than payday and title loans. You can try applying for a credit card or talking to local banks or credit unions about low-interest loan options.Many local credit unions offer Payday Alternative Loans (PALs) that would be a great fit for your situation. However, you have to have been a member of the credit union for one month in order to apply for one. Joining a credit union now so that you can access a PAL later would be a wise financial decision.If you have bad credit and can’t access these alternatives, you could also consider taking out an installment loan to cover your auto repair. These loans have longer terms and lower interest rates than payday loans. Spreading out the cost of your loan also means smaller, more manageable payments that are usually easier to repay.The right installment loan could also help your credit. Installment lenders like OppLoans report online loan payments to the credit bureaus, something that most payday lenders dont do. This m eans that on-time payments get recorded on your credit report. Your payment history is the single biggest factor in determining your score.Plan ahead.The best way to pay for a car repair is to avoid borrowing altogether. This will mean building up an emergency fund that you can tap when times are tough and you need cash fast.Once your car is fixed and you’re back to work, set up a budget and savings plan or secure additional income to prepare for future emergencies.Better yet, start building your emergency fund now while your car is running perfectly fine. That way, youll be prepared for when disaster strikes.Wed compare it to how the people on Game of Thrones built The Wall to keep out the ice zombies which it did! Now, it didnt keep out the zombie ice dragon, sure, but thats not something youll have to worry about. Anyway, this metaphors falling apart. Drive safe!To learn more about how you can improve your financial situation, check out these related posts and articles fro m OppLoans:A Beginner’s Guide to Budgeting8 Good Habits to Get Your Financesâ€"and Your Lifeâ€"on TrackYour Guide to Escaping a Debt Trap8 Ways To Save Money Today, Tomorrow and Every Day AfterHave a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. |Instagram
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about Gender Discrimination - 1197 Words
Women’s role in society has changes much throughout history all over the world. In Korea, during the Koryo Period, it had not been uncommon for an upper class man to have several wives. Talented women were to be concubines, or kisaeng, who could make intelligent conversation, recite and even compose poetry, sing, dance and even play musical instruments. On the other hand, main wives had been there just to bear her husband’s lineal heir and did not need to have good education or talent. Women of the past had been there for the pleasure of men. Some men still prefer it that way, but the importance of the roles that women play in society is increasing rapidly. Although women’s rights have been promoted a lot, it is not enough. There is still†¦show more content†¦This type of belief that women should obey their husbands can be seen in almost every country. â€Å"It is hard to figure out where this point of view came about. It is widely agreed by many anthro pologists that matrilineal societies†existed all over the world in the beginning of human history. â€Å"Although matrilineal societies can’t be said to be better than patrillineal†societies, women and men should always be equal with each other in any given society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the past, women were considered mere pleasure and did not have the same rights as men. For example, during the Koryo Period in Korea, after the wedding, the bride cut her ties with her own family and entered her husband’s. A Woman was to obey her father as a child, her brothers if her father died, obey her husband when she got married and then obey her sons when her husband died. Women were to obey her husband even when he wasn’t even loyal to her. Divorce was considered a disgrace in the community and a divorced woman had no place to go. The only way she was able to take out her anger was on the own daughter in law. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Korean culture, even today, divorce is considered a disgrace even when 40% of couples to divorce. It is also easier on the man during a divorce. Men, being occupied with their work, and being able to let out their stress with drinking andShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination And Gender Discrimination962 Words  | 4 Pagesincreasingly being seen, especially on social media. It s a single word which people are using instead of the longer phrases disability discrimination or disability prejudice. Racial discrimination and gender discrimination have their own single words - racism and sexism - and so those ideas can be expressed a little more easily. Disability discrimination is often complicated and misunderstood. At one end of the scale, buildings with steps instead of ramps may be said to be ableist. Less obviousRead MoreGender Discrimination1518 Words  | 7 PagesGender Discrimination Written by: Brent Davey TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------3 Gender Discrimination Defined-------------------------------------------3 Gender Discrimination at Work-------------------------------------------5 Gender Discrimination and Politics--------------------------------------6 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------6 Works Cited-------------------------------------------------------------------8Read MoreSexual Discrimination And Gender Discrimination1384 Words  | 6 PagesSexual discrimination, sex based discrimination, gender discrimination or sexism is a type of prejudice or discrimination based on a person s sex or gender usually by the opposite gender. Thus, it generally refers to discrimination against a male by a female or a female by a male. Feminism can therefore be considered a form of sexism. More often than not however, sexism is commonly applied to the unfair treatment of women, the denial of opportunity to women or an injustice towards women, whichRead MoreGender Discrimination5921 Words  | 24 Pages GENDER DISCRIMINATION By Nkechi AGBOGO TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. What does sex discrimination cover 4. Sex discrimination possible scenes 5. Forms of sex discrimination 6. Reasons for sex discrimination 7. Policies which should help reduce gender discrimination 8. Conclusion 9. Reference ABSTRACT Gender discrimination is an acute and persistent problem, especiallyRead MoreDiscrimination Based On Gender Discrimination973 Words  | 4 PagesDiscrimination, especially discrimination based on gender, should be looked at through Deontology. 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Although discriminatory behaviors have seemed to simmer down over the past decades, individuals still to this day continueRead MoreSexual Discrimination And Gender Discrimination2076 Words  | 9 Pagesdemand is a kind of employment discrimination. The sex discrimination of employment the female encounter is especially extrusive. At present, females of China more and more fall in a weak position in employment market. So, what is gender discrimination? Gender discrimination, also known as sexual discrimination, is any action that specifically denies opportunities, privileges, or rewards to a person (or a group) because of gender. The practice of letting a person s gender become a factor when decidingRead MoreGender Discrimination In The Workplace1867 Words  | 8 PagesDiscrimination in the workplace, specifically gender discrimination is a significant matter, impacting women all over the world. Defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 11, discrimination is ‘Any distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation.’. As stated by GillianRead MoreThe Existence Of Gender Discrimination2843 Words  | 12 PagesThe existence of gender discrimination in w orkplaces is not under dispute (Acker, 2006). In virtually all societies across the world, women are known to be in a lower position in labour market than men. Women are overrepresented in positions at the bottom echelons of organisations; they have less status, prestige, power and authority on the job. Besides, women are segregated into roles and jobs that offer poorer rewards and have fewer opportunities for progression to positions of power (Walby, 1988)Read MoreGender Discrimination And The Workplace Essay1242 Words  | 5 Pagesusually paid less than their male peers and they aren’t promoted as fast as their male peers. Progress has been make towards gender workplace equality but gender workplace discrimination continues to be an impediment to gender equality. For the purpose of research on gender workplace discrimination, I used four journal articles. The first article, Minimizing Workplace Gender and Racial Bias, by author William T. Bielby, discusses stereotypin g in the workplace. The article offers suggestions on how
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bp s Risk Management Plan For Preventing Oil Spill
Introduction BP (British Petroleum) is one of the leading companies that are delivering energy products and services to the people around the world. In this report, we studied BP’s risk management plan for preventing oil spill. The main reason for choosing BP and its oil spill preparedness plan is that the oil companies have become increasingly vulnerable to unwillingly cause disasters and BP is one of them. An event that highlighted this vulnerability and subsequently drew attention to the need to investigate, is the BP oil spill in 2010 was one of the worst oil disasters that affected environment adversely. Issues such as these have been a serious concern for the oil companies around the world. The aim of the investigation is to find†¦show more content†¦The effect of oil spill is usually calculated in terms of damage on the environment, aftermath on marine species, and effect on the tourism and fishery industries. The impact on human health is less known relatively. The financial costs associated with oil spills are also a factor. Arguably, it is a less serious consequence of an Oil Spill, however the financial costs have the potential to bankrupt an organization. BP suffered major financial loss as a result of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They have paid up to $1.5 billion in an effort to settle various claims and compensation. (BP, n.d) Recently, oil spill management has become a serious concern and subsequently, it has become a big issue as it takes a large, specifically trained team effort to solve the devastating problem. It also requires consistent efforts of the workforce. The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico was perhaps another major contributing factor to highlighting the need for Oil Spill Management to be addressed. The director of the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement, Michael Bromwich stated that this oil spill proved that oil and gas organizations were not prepared to deal with oil spills. (Merolli, 2010). Oils spill management Practices Literature suggest that the essential management practices to follow when responding to an Oil Spill is to dispose of oil spill debris with the aim ofShow MoreRelatedBp And The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Case Study3246 Words  | 13 Pages BP and the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Case Study Tamatha French Management 6000 Hawaii Pacific University â€Æ' Introduction and Background On April 20, 2010, the petroleum industry suffered the largest maritime disaster oil spill in its history known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig that had been working on a well for BP in the Gulf exploded and went up in flames. Subsequently, massive amounts of oil spilled out into the water, threatening the marine life andRead MoreBp Sustainability Essay28986 Words  | 116 Pagescom/sustainability 2 A letter from our group chief executive / 4 How BP is changing 6 Gulf of Mexico oil spill / 14 How we operate / 22 Energy future 30 Safety / 34 Environment / 38 Society Within hours of the Deepwater Horizon accident, BP teams were working to stop the leak. We also acted to minimize the spill’s impact on the environment by containing, removing and dispersing oil offshore, protecting the shoreline and cleaning up oil that came ashore. And we worked with wildlife groups to developRead MoreBp Oil Spill Analysis Essay6383 Words  | 26 PagesResearch The spectrums of oil spill issues are diverse and large. They range from environmental issue to economic, ecological, ethical, politics and policies. 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According to (BBC, 2012) BP faces charges by the United States Government and has to compensate over USD7.5 billion to the victims. Furthermore, BP was responsible to ensure the cleaning of their spillage. Prior to the event, BP reconstructed their health and safety policy by ensuring zero tolerance to callous mistakes forRead MoreMonitoring System Sustainable Enterprise Sustainability3526 Words  | 15 Pagesmonitoring system to monitor the health of patients, while the operation of the business monitoring system monitoring business activities. Appropriate monitoring services can help make the right decisions at the right time in order hand it helps to reduce risk. Every business will have certain obligations but also on the natural persons associated with it. On the economic prospective it is equally important. Or the three pillars of the triple bottom line of people / society, Earth / Environmental and profitRead MoreNEBOSH Diploma unit D assignment19487 Words  | 78 Pages....................................... 4 2.4 Legal Environment .................................................................................................... 5 3. Review of the Health and Safety Management System......................... 8 3.1 Description of Health and Safety Management System............................................ 8 3.2 Gap Analysis ........................................................................................................... 11 4. Hazard IdentificationRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 PagesThis page intentionally left blank International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior Eighth Edition Fred Luthans University of Nebraska–Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: CULTURE, STRATEGY, AND BEHAVIOR, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright  © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions  © 2009
Psy270 Week6 Free Essays
Checkpoint Mind Over Matter Week 6 What is the difference between mental illness and insanity? (Hint: What is the important second prong of the McNaughten rule? )  ·Ã‚        The McNaughten rule cannot be used to defend the actions of a person who drinks alcohol and then murders someone. Why not?  ·Ã‚        Identify each of the following: o   Rational and guilty o   Guilty but insane o   Not guilty by reason of insanity  ·Ã‚        If you were deciding this case, how would you rule? Briefly explain your decision. The difference between mental illness and insanity is mental illness doesn’t diminish the legal sense of a individuals capacity to know right and wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Psy270 Week6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In terms of insanity, however it does indicate that an individual would not possess the capacity to know the differences between right and wrong. Mental defects such as diseases, retardation, or when hallucinations are experienced in some cases. The rule for McNaughten is simple knowing the difference between right and wrong and was the capacity affected to the point of not understanding a crime when committed. To use insanity in defense of a crime this rule had to be present in order to use. Mcnaughten’s rule can’t be used to defend intoxicated individuals because it is no longer used in some cases the rule was shortened and now it is knowing the difference between right and wrong. Since an individual is in a diminished state even if they know right from wrong even without mental disease individuals can use it in alcohol related incidents. Rational and guilty: When an individual is fully aware of the right and wrong of their actions this is the term used. Guilty but insane. Due to mental defect or disease and individual is not able to gain control over themselves even though they know the actions are wrong this is the term used. Guilty by reason of insanity. Such in the cases of Clark he had experienced a temporary state of impairment due to schizophrenia that resulted or impaired his capacity to determine right and wrong he thought the cop was an alien. Resulting in insanity temporarily this is the term used. My decision without all the facts and going on what I know from the reading Clark at some point knew what he was doing but at the time may have not and deserves a chance to make his way into a mental clinic for help now if he recovers and is determined sane he then should still serve out his sentence due to his knowing of his having a gun and firing it. If he can be effectively treated in prison then he should be given a half sentence due to impartial insanity. The fact the the police stated he lured the cop out and then ran was an indication of his guilt though regardless of mental illness he may have not been impaired after all. He should be sentenced to an institution where he could be effectively treated for his schizophrenia. How to cite Psy270 Week6, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Scarlett Letter Essays - English-language Films,
The Scarlett Letter The Effective Use of Symbolism The novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an intriguing account of a Puritan community that experiences a breakdown in beliefs. The story deals with a woman, Hester, who commits adultery with a Calvinistic minister resulting in the birth of a child (Martin 110). As compensation for her crime of passion and her refusal to name her lover, Hester is sentenced to wear an embroidered scarlet letter on her bosom. It is this letter, or secret sin, that becomes the emphasis of the novel and assumes many different roles (Martin 111). Hawthorne starts the novel by portraying the literary reality associated with the different aspects of the letter (Martin 110). From the start, ?Hawthorne seems to say, this is a scarlet letter; because of that, it is capable of further meaning. The letter will have to carry the burden of the tale? (Martin 111). Hawthorne's use of symbolism is fully developed in the multi-meanings hidden in the scarlet letter through a variety of characters. The scarlet letter represents different ideals to different people and should be given the proper consideration (Martin 114). In the Puritan community, the letter is viewed as a moral obligation to inform others of Hester's sin, one that they feel should be ?dragged out into the sunshine? (Hawthorne 43). They believe the letter symbolizes psychological and religious truth. The Puritans are ? a people amongst whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thoroughly Foti 2 interfused, that her mildest and severest acts of public discipline were alike made venerable and awful? (Hawthorne 40). It is said that ?meager, indeed, and cold, was the sympathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders at the scaffold? (Hawthorne 40). The Puritans are firmly against Hester's actions and feels that she has disgraced them along with herself. They feel that she must take responsibility for her actions. The effect of her punishment however is not what the Puritans had hoped to achieve. Hester's sin has grown from that of passion to one of purpose. Even with Hester's sympathetic attitude, she was not filled with regret and therefore the letter had not done its task (Martin 122). To the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, the scarlet letter contains a whole new meaning. He views the letter as a constant reminder of his sin and cowardice. His guilt continues to grow as a result of his not being able to come forth in front of the community and take responsibility for his actions. His guilt and sin become magnified by his inability to stand beside Hester at the scaffold. Dimmesdale, also is ironically charged with questioning Hester and trying to convince her of the importance of identifying her fellow sinner (Hawthorne 52). He begins to feel more and more grief and it begins to affect his mental and physical state. He soon becomes weak; however, it is believed by the community to be because of his ?too unreserved self-sacrifice to the labors and duties of the pastoral relation? (Hawthorne 80). When Dimmesdale is believed to be near death, the community again believes it is because ?the world was not worthy to be any longer trodden by his feet? (Hawthorne 88). Dimmesdal e seems to be haunted by ?Satan's emissary, in the guise of old Roger Chillingworth. This diabolical Foti 3 agent had the Divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy and plot against his soul? (Hawthorne 94). Chillingworth proposes to Dimmesdale that a ?sickness, a sore place, if we may so call it, in your spirit, hath immediately its appropriate manifestation in your bodily frame? (Hawthorne 99). However, Dimmesdale denies and refuses to discuss it with him. Dimmesdale becomes weaker and weaker because ?by the constitution of his nature, he loved the truth, and loathed the lie, as few men ever did. Therefore, above all things else, he loathed his miserable self! (Hawthorne 105). Before Dimmesdale's death, he finally confesses to his sin on the scaffold and frees his soul and conscience. Spectators have testified to seeing ?on the breast of the unhappy minister, a SCARLET LETTER?the very semblance of that worn by Hester Prynne?imprinted in the flesh? (Hawthorne
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Through Thick and Thin essays
Through Thick and Thin essays Every noble person or Roman must have a sturdy backbone. In the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, Caesar is one who can be the center of attention. Caesar can be known as a man that represents honor, faithfulness, and courage all in ways towards his fellow comrades. While Caesar is on his way home, many talk about how he has defeated Pompey and how they cannot wait to grant Caesar full power. His friend Antony mentions how he feels about Caesar and how no one should fear him. Fear him not, Caesar, hes not/ dangerous, He is a noble Roman, and well given (Shakespeare 55-57). Not only does Caesar symbolize honor but faithfulness as well. Caesar had his chance to lie in many situations, but instead of just turning his back, he went out tell the truth. When his wife wanted him to stay home, he then informs his friend to tell that he will not be arriving. In the place of a lie, he tells his friend a different type of answer. The cause is in my will, I will not/ come: That is enough to sat isfy the Senate (Shakespeare 71-72). His honor and faith is true, but nothing is complete with the courage of a true warrior. As Caesar draws near death, he dies with bravery along his close friend Brutus. With strength in dying first, his last words can strongly say he will be remembered in the mind of Brutus. Et tu, Brute? (Shakespeare 77). Even though nobility comes in all shapes and sizes, a true Roman stands out like a sore thumb. Through thick and thin no body will fear this honorable man and he walks faithfully with courage with his friends by his side. ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Healthy Truckers Go the Extra Mile!
Healthy Truckers Go the Extra Mile! If you’re a trucker who’s serious about your career, make sure you think about ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle- both in and out of the driver’s seat. Do you own a trucking company or are part of a company’s management team? Consider implementing a driver wellness plan. Healthy drivers will help minimize staff retention challenges and make open positions on your team more attractive to newer, younger drivers. Driver wellness programs are growing in popularity across the country and for good reason- they help prevent illness, boost productivity, and enhance life satisfaction. Healthy drivers are happier, better employees who stay at their jobs longer. They also help reverse the trend of increasing trucker turnover, a problem that has burdened the industry for the past few years as older truckers are retiring and aren’t being replaced by new drivers.What are the reasons behind this trend? For many, these jobs, with tough, unhealthy working conditi ons and limited opportunities, aren’t as appealing as they once were. But thoughtful, well-designed wellness programs can help offset some of these unappealing aspects of truck driving.In order for driver wellness programs to have a deep and lasting impact, they need to be proactive in their efforts to work with drivers, and should be thoroughly holistic, addressing all major dimensions of wellness:Physical: proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choicesEmotional: promoting emotional healthIntellectual: strategies for sound mental health and developmentOccupational: creating true job satisfactionSocial: forging meaningful community connectionsSpiritual: creating and following a meaningful set of guiding valuesHere’s the bottom line: Trucking companies should make sincere and measurable efforts to support the wellness of their drivers, and when drivers make health and wellness an important part of their lives, everyone benefits.Why Wellness in Trucking Needs to Go th e Extra MileRead More at Supply Chain Management Review
Friday, February 14, 2020
Resourcing Talent - R-PartB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Resourcing Talent - R-PartB - Assignment Example Diversity in an organization enables the organization to have the base of its employees made up of different people bringing together divergent views and ideas. The divergent workforce includes various generations of workforce including generation X, Generation Y and Baby Boomers. Generation X is attracted into the organization through creating a conducive environment that enables them to develop more on their skills and also learn. They are also lured by job positions that provide for independence, proper communication ad for individual potential improvement. Generation Y gives much weight to the benefits of the job as opposed to the salary and can be attracted via by upgrading the organizations offices with the modern and ergo-friendly furniture which would make the generation feel to be working in a healthy environment. Increases creativity as the employees come with a variety of remedies to help the organization soar to greater heights. The more the diverse ideas in an organization the higher the chances of solving a problem in the best way as everyone will be brainstorming to produce his/her best. Divergent language skills. An organization with employees from the different backgrounds enjoys a wider market due to the competency in communication using the various languages. This increases the geographical market coverage of the organization to as far as being a global market. Increases productivity as the employees will offer technical advice to the employer on how to best serve the clients using the newly introduced ideas .Diversity increases the employee’s morale boosting their efficiency. Diversity helps in building on the image of the organization as it indicates that the organization is not discriminatory in offering job opportunities enabling such firms to attract more employees with new talents as they retain the already existing ones. To achieve diversity in the attraction of senior managers, high potential
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Working with and Leading the People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Working with and Leading the People - Essay Example This can be done through posting advertisements on job and career websites. I can also look out for candidates in the automobile industry who have proven themselves experts in designing vehicles. In order to retain skilled engineers, Renault can offer satisfactory pay, perquisites and job security. Currently, there is a dearth of skills of international caliber in Japan and it has been seen that Japanese employers are slowing down their recruitment process. One way to recruit and retain top talented international level automotive engineers is to make English a more common language in the workplace and giving them more responsibilities (Tanikawa, 2012). The seven steps of recruitment process can work effectively in this case. Firstly, it is important to understand the nature of job and which group would fit what kind of job or portfolio. The main problem was the designing of well advanced products and hence the company required either skill upgradation or new engineers. After identification of the purposes of different jobs and goal set, second step would be to prepare the job and profile of the person. It is important to have people with innovative mindsets and modern degrees and certificates. It is important to figure out a set of skill and personal attributes which the human resource manager would be looking forward to. The third step would comprise of finding the appropriate candidates through referrals from staffs and collecting resume databanks by consulting agencies or advertising. The hiring committee should be formed and the databank of CVs should be arranged according to requirements. The members of the hiring committee o r interview board should be chosen with care as per their ability and knowledge regarding the job profile and requirements. The fifth step is very important as it is about selection process. This comprise of general interviews, competency based interviews, role play and finally
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
Hong 1 Rebecca Hong Ms. Geers English 10H/4 17 January 2014 People Make Choices, Choices Make History The five major types of people involved in any genocide or human rights abuse---perpetrators, victims, bystanders, rescuers, and upstanders---all shape history. People’s choices are always hugely influential in historical events, and the Holocaust is no exception. The perpetrators of the Holocaust were arguably the most influential of the five types of people. They were able to get millions of Germans to turn a blind eye to millions of crimes against humanity. By taking advantage of historical Jewish oppression, utilizing propaganda and censorship to create a strong dominant discourse preaching anti-Semitism in Germany, and creating various us-them mentalities, the perpetrators of the Holocaust changed the identities of bystanders, shaped their choices, and changed history. Bystanders were one of the most pivotal groups of the Holocaust. As Elie Wiesel reminds us, â€Å"The victims perished not only because of the killers, but also because of the apathy of the bystander†¦Those who perished were victims of Nazism and of society†(Why Were There So Few). For the most part, German civilians turned a blind eye, allowing the Holocaust to happen. As a German bystander later recalled, â€Å"If I had refused to take the oath [of loyalty] in 1935, it would have meant that thousands and thousands like me, all over Germany, were refusing to take it. Their refusal would have heartened millions. Thus, the regime would have been overthrown, or, indeed, would never have come to power in the first place†¦Thousands, hundreds of Hong 2 thousands†¦were also unprepared [to resist]†¦Thus, the world was lost†(Do You Take the Oath?). How could milli... ...zens were capable of standing by in the face of genocide. Anti-Semitism was everywhere, and censorship meant that dissent was nowhere to be found. The identities of bystanders changed; the constant propaganda forced Nazi ideology into their identities. As Holocaust survivor Garmaine Pitchon stated, â€Å"I don’t hate the Germans. The Germans are good people. The only people I hate are Hitler and Mengele†¦they killed my family†(Auschwitz, Evil at Play). The perpetrators of the Holocaust are ultimately the ones who corrupted civilians and turned them into bystanders. The perpetrators bombarded the German citizens with propaganda until they â€Å"internalized Nazi allegations†¦[and] excluded entire groups from their universe of obligation†(Vashem), giving in to the dominant discourse of the time. The perpetrators successfully brainwashed millions, in order to kill millions more.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Video Games and Violent Children
Video Games and Violent Children Brittany Hern 02/02/2011 Critical Thinking and Composition Home video games, an industry worth $11 billion domestically that is now 30 years old, continues to be thrown into legal and moral debates regarding what age is deemed appropriate to participate. Video games, especially those deemed to be violent or rated â€Å"mature,†are at the center of the controversy. There are two sides to this debate. Video game companies and their supporters lead one side arguing that video games have no affect on children, and maintain that video games deemed â€Å"mature†are meant for those ages.The other side of this debate consists of psychologists and parents who argue video games are responsible for what they feel is a growing epidemic of increasingly violent and desensitized children. Video game companies continue to assert that the ratings issued by The Entertaining Software Rating Board (ESRB) are to be followed and any results stemming from ga mes being purchased against those ratings fall back on parents. There are five rating categories: Everyone, Everyone 10+, Teen, Mature, Adults Only. The ESRB rates every video game that is to be sold in the United States.Companies like Rockstar Games, which produces some of the most controversial video games, continue to maintain that their video games are produced for adults and are not marketed towards children. Rockstar developer Lazlow Jones was quoted in 2010 as saying â€Å"Our games are not designed for young people. If you’re a parent and buy one of our games for your child you’re a terrible parent†¦ †This quote came after the backlash of the release of another Rockstar Games title that was attacked for being too violent for children.Parents and psychologists agree the ratings are a first step in the right direction, but insist these titles should be pulled from shelves because the continuance of accessibility by children across America. Although t he ratings are in place, children in most states are able to buy video games rated â€Å"Mature. †In those states where identification is necessary, parents argue that homes often filled with adult gamers expose children in the same household to inappropriate video games. They contend that an epidemic of violence and desensitized children are the product of violent video games and not enough supervision.Numerous video game companies have turned to national crime statistics to prove their opposition wrong. Video games have been blamed for several high profile cases. One of the most infamous cases linking violence and video games is the massacre of 13 people at Columbine High School. Jerald Block, a researcher and psychiatrist in Portland, concluded that the two teenage shooters, both avid gamers, went on their shooting rampage after their parents took their weapon-based video game away.Linking video games to high profile violence around the country has not been uncommon. The Virginia Tech shooting was wrongly attributed to video games by several news stations and TV personalities around the country before it was concluded that the shooter did not play video games. Video game companies continue to point to crime statistics to disprove these links. Gaming gained mass appeal in the mid 1990’s and since then sales domestically have quadrupled. From 1995 to 2008, when the industry took strides, juvenile violent crimes fell 49. 3%.With these statistics in hand, video game supporters maintain that violent video games are not to be blamed for any acts of violence committed by underage gamers. The Federal government has played its own role in the debate on relating violence in video games to violent tendencies in children. In 1996 the US Marine Corps licensed a version of the then popular game Doom in order to train soldiers. Psychologists argue that if violent video games play no role in training children to become violent, why would the US Marineâ€℠¢s use a violent video game to train adults.Those against violent video games propose the question: If these adults are trainable via video games then why wouldn’t children, who are far more persuadable, take the things in the games as instructions or guidelines. In 2002, the US Army released a first-person shooter America’s Army in order to recruit soldiers and prepare those recruits for what the battlefield is like. Those against violent video games see this as a direct link between violent video games being a teacher and influencing rather than just being used as a form of entertainment.Furthermore, America’s Army, has been pointed out to look very similar to other first-person shooting games. There have been numerous studies conducted and while the results often are different, video game companies insist there is no formal research that shows any type of link that violent video games cause aggression. A study conducted in 2007 and published in the â€Å"Jou rnal of Adolescent Health,†consisted of 1254 participants, which were pre-teens in demographically diverse schools. The results showed that playing a â€Å"Mature†rated video game was a positive way to manage anger in half of the participants.While the study does say this could be an unhealthy way to manage emotions depending on the child, the participants correlated positivity with the â€Å"Mature†rated video game. Other studies have either been inconclusive and those ruling that violence is linked to violent video games have been dismissed by video game companies and supporters as being blind to other factors. The studies, they explain, do not divulge other contributing factors like a predisposition to aggressiveness, exposure to violence, and family dynamics; all factors that could contribute to violence.Those who oppose violent video games point out a 2000 FBI report entitled â€Å"The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective,†which documen ts likely characteristics of a school shooter. In their research, the FBI concluded that a fascination with violence-filled entertainment is a risk factor associated with a possible school shooter. The report lists â€Å"the student spends inordinate amounts of time playing video games with violent themes, and seems more interested in the violent images than in the game itself. Another study conducted was based on short-term effects of violent video games. The 2009 study conducted by members of the Department of Psychology from both Iowa and Kansas State University, had 91 participants and not only surveyed those participants, but monitored the heart rate to see if there was any deviation. The study added to existing literature that shows violent video games in fact increase aggressive behavior, aggressive feelings, aggressive thoughts, and arousal from baseline to post video game play.Whichever side of the argument you may land on, the opposition is fierce. The debate of whether v iolent video games produce violent children will rage on, both sides undoubtedly not losing any momentum with their opinions. Video game companies will continue to protect their multibillion dollar investment while parents and psychologists will continue putting pressure on lawmakers and the media to dive further into the numerous studies conducted on the possible link. References Barlett, C. , Branch, O. , Rodeheffer, C. nd Harris, R. (2009), How long do the short-term violent video game effects last? Aggressive Behavior, 35: 225–236. Whitworth, D (2010, May 01). Red Dead Redemption hoping for emotional response. BBC. Retrieved 02/01/2011, from http://www. bbc. co. uk/newsbeat/10136311 Nizza, M (2007, July 05). Tying Columbine to Video Games. The New York Times. Retrieved 02/02/2011, from http://thelede. blogs. nytimes. com/2007/07/05/tieing-columbine-to-video-games/ O’Toole, M (2000) The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective. p. 0. Retrieved 02/01/2011, from http://www. fbi. gov/stats-services/publications/school-shooter Olson, C et al. (2007). Factors Correlated with Violent Video Game Use by Adolescent Boys and Girls. Journal of Adolescent Health. Retrieved January 29, 2011, from http://www. jahonline. org/article/S1054-139X(07)00027-4/abstract. Croteau, S. (2010, November 26). Virtual Violence – Video game developers say blame misplaced. Telegram. Retrieved 01/31/2011 from http://www. telegram. com/article/20101126/NEWS/11260474/0/eworcester
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Effects of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication
[pic] Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas Capitol Site, Batangas City, 4200 Final Paper: The Effects of the Internet On Interpersonal Communication Presented to Dr. Neil P. Balba In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject Advanced Educational Technologies (MA 709) Master of Arts Major in English Language Studies by: Ma. Anna Corina G. Kagaoan-Pablo April 29, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The influence of the Internet has caused a change in the way we communicate, learn and shop. The Internet is probably most famous for the ability to spread information, fact or fiction. We were once limited to news editors of a local paper, then to national cable news. There is no question that easy access to the Internet, like†¦show more content†¦Many businesses use email to advertise (sometimes considered spam) and to notify customers of everything from sales to bills due. Chat and Instant Messaging (IM): mostly used for interpersonal communication, this method of communication is an informal way to meet new people, keep in touch with friends and family, or maintain long-distance relationships. Internet messaging in all forms is often a preferred method of communication to phone calls, letters, and face-to-face communication because of its laid-back, informal nature. Social Networking: by far the most popular and fastest growing communication method made possible by broadband Internet service, social networking started out as a way for people to find old friends, stay in touch with current ones, and meet new ones. It has now grown into a prolific communication tool for both personal and business use. You can organize groups, notify people of events, send mass email messages, chat, and so much more. Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are currently the most popular social networking sites, and have attracted billions of users. 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