Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about Gender Discrimination - 1197 Words
Women’s role in society has changes much throughout history all over the world. In Korea, during the Koryo Period, it had not been uncommon for an upper class man to have several wives. Talented women were to be concubines, or kisaeng, who could make intelligent conversation, recite and even compose poetry, sing, dance and even play musical instruments. On the other hand, main wives had been there just to bear her husband’s lineal heir and did not need to have good education or talent. Women of the past had been there for the pleasure of men. Some men still prefer it that way, but the importance of the roles that women play in society is increasing rapidly. Although women’s rights have been promoted a lot, it is not enough. There is still†¦show more content†¦This type of belief that women should obey their husbands can be seen in almost every country. â€Å"It is hard to figure out where this point of view came about. It is widely agreed by many anthro pologists that matrilineal societies†existed all over the world in the beginning of human history. â€Å"Although matrilineal societies can’t be said to be better than patrillineal†societies, women and men should always be equal with each other in any given society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the past, women were considered mere pleasure and did not have the same rights as men. For example, during the Koryo Period in Korea, after the wedding, the bride cut her ties with her own family and entered her husband’s. A Woman was to obey her father as a child, her brothers if her father died, obey her husband when she got married and then obey her sons when her husband died. Women were to obey her husband even when he wasn’t even loyal to her. Divorce was considered a disgrace in the community and a divorced woman had no place to go. The only way she was able to take out her anger was on the own daughter in law. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Korean culture, even today, divorce is considered a disgrace even when 40% of couples to divorce. It is also easier on the man during a divorce. Men, being occupied with their work, and being able to let out their stress with drinking andShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination And Gender Discrimination962 Words  | 4 Pagesincreasingly being seen, especially on social media. It s a single word which people are using instead of the longer phrases disability discrimination or disability prejudice. Racial discrimination and gender discrimination have their own single words - racism and sexism - and so those ideas can be expressed a little more easily. Disability discrimination is often complicated and misunderstood. At one end of the scale, buildings with steps instead of ramps may be said to be ableist. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bp s Risk Management Plan For Preventing Oil Spill
Introduction BP (British Petroleum) is one of the leading companies that are delivering energy products and services to the people around the world. In this report, we studied BP’s risk management plan for preventing oil spill. The main reason for choosing BP and its oil spill preparedness plan is that the oil companies have become increasingly vulnerable to unwillingly cause disasters and BP is one of them. An event that highlighted this vulnerability and subsequently drew attention to the need to investigate, is the BP oil spill in 2010 was one of the worst oil disasters that affected environment adversely. Issues such as these have been a serious concern for the oil companies around the world. The aim of the investigation is to find†¦show more content†¦The effect of oil spill is usually calculated in terms of damage on the environment, aftermath on marine species, and effect on the tourism and fishery industries. The impact on human health is less known relatively. The financial costs associated with oil spills are also a factor. Arguably, it is a less serious consequence of an Oil Spill, however the financial costs have the potential to bankrupt an organization. BP suffered major financial loss as a result of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. They have paid up to $1.5 billion in an effort to settle various claims and compensation. (BP, n.d) Recently, oil spill management has become a serious concern and subsequently, it has become a big issue as it takes a large, specifically trained team effort to solve the devastating problem. It also requires consistent efforts of the workforce. The Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico was perhaps another major contributing factor to highlighting the need for Oil Spill Management to be addressed. The director of the US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement, Michael Bromwich stated that this oil spill proved that oil and gas organizations were not prepared to deal with oil spills. 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Psy270 Week6 Free Essays
Checkpoint Mind Over Matter Week 6 What is the difference between mental illness and insanity? (Hint: What is the important second prong of the McNaughten rule? )  ·Ã‚        The McNaughten rule cannot be used to defend the actions of a person who drinks alcohol and then murders someone. Why not?  ·Ã‚        Identify each of the following: o   Rational and guilty o   Guilty but insane o   Not guilty by reason of insanity  ·Ã‚        If you were deciding this case, how would you rule? Briefly explain your decision. The difference between mental illness and insanity is mental illness doesn’t diminish the legal sense of a individuals capacity to know right and wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Psy270 Week6 or any similar topic only for you Order Now In terms of insanity, however it does indicate that an individual would not possess the capacity to know the differences between right and wrong. Mental defects such as diseases, retardation, or when hallucinations are experienced in some cases. The rule for McNaughten is simple knowing the difference between right and wrong and was the capacity affected to the point of not understanding a crime when committed. To use insanity in defense of a crime this rule had to be present in order to use. Mcnaughten’s rule can’t be used to defend intoxicated individuals because it is no longer used in some cases the rule was shortened and now it is knowing the difference between right and wrong. Since an individual is in a diminished state even if they know right from wrong even without mental disease individuals can use it in alcohol related incidents. Rational and guilty: When an individual is fully aware of the right and wrong of their actions this is the term used. Guilty but insane. Due to mental defect or disease and individual is not able to gain control over themselves even though they know the actions are wrong this is the term used. Guilty by reason of insanity. Such in the cases of Clark he had experienced a temporary state of impairment due to schizophrenia that resulted or impaired his capacity to determine right and wrong he thought the cop was an alien. Resulting in insanity temporarily this is the term used. My decision without all the facts and going on what I know from the reading Clark at some point knew what he was doing but at the time may have not and deserves a chance to make his way into a mental clinic for help now if he recovers and is determined sane he then should still serve out his sentence due to his knowing of his having a gun and firing it. If he can be effectively treated in prison then he should be given a half sentence due to impartial insanity. The fact the the police stated he lured the cop out and then ran was an indication of his guilt though regardless of mental illness he may have not been impaired after all. He should be sentenced to an institution where he could be effectively treated for his schizophrenia. How to cite Psy270 Week6, Essay examples
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